Friday, November 13, 2009

The Stud Finally Did His Job

Yaayyy....Nora is finally pregnant! We are so excited and can't wait for puppies to arrive. We figured her due date to be Dec. 15 give or take so we will have baby puppies running around at Christmas time. We just can't wait. I think she will be a good mamma. So for now, she is doing lots of eating and sleeping. I will post pictures once babies are born. Jack is confused and a little lonely right now. Nora in preparation for babies and started pushing Jack out of her life so Jack is forced to become more independent. Since we got Jack, he has always had Nora by his side to play with, he has never been left alone, the two really seem to just love each other. Since Nora has started pushing him away, all he does is cry at the windows or door, he is so lonely we have had to let him in the house- big baby that he is.