Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Any of you who would like to get updates when we will have new puppies on the way can sign up and follow my blog in the box to the right under followers, just check that you want updates when you sign up so you can receive notification when the next litter is on the way and get in to reserve a baby if you wish. I probably will not post again until I know specifics on when Nora and Jack are going to have their next litter. Kind Regards~ Michelle

Our Stud Muffin Jack

Our big sweet lover boy Jack, full winter coat- he is just gorgeous right now. He is not sure what to think about this camera thing.

Smokey Goes To His Home in MN

Our last pup leaves the nest! Whew what a handful these pups were but we enjoyed every minute of it. This guy we have missed the most and only because he was the last to leave the nest, we had more time to really bond with him. Nora and I had a difficult few weeks afterwards being empty nesters, I felt so bad for Nora- she is such a sweet momma and oh did she mope around here, she just loved those babies to pieces, it really amazed me at what a good mother she was and this was her first litter- it rarely turns out that good on the first time. At least we know little Smokey went to a good home and from last report in, he has adjusted very well to his new home. Can't believe all the babies are gone, definitely lonely around here without them.

It's difficult for me to understand how larger breeders do this every day. There is just no way possible to breed dogs and not fall in love with all these pups. We love the dogs as if they were our children. This is not a business to us and we could never treat it as such. We won't have pups unless we have quality time for every single one of them. It's not about the money and it never will be.
So for now, we wait until next breeding. Yes! We are going to try it again! Those puppies are just so precious and besides how great it is to be able to make someone else happy with a new baby puppy. Till nest time ~